Martial Arts
The Grace Martial Arts (GMA) exclusive internal system derives its strength from perfectly balanced whole-body power. This power is achieved with a springy, relaxed posture that is connected in unison with internal energy that spirals through the whole-body movement. More>>
Bible Club
The GMA Bible Club provides highly effective, non-violent self-defense. Scripture memorization and prayer are a part of every class. More>>
GMA Day Camps integrate different appropriate, highly effective non-violent aspects of martial arts to discourage impulse-ridden actions and promote purposeful activity. More>>
Often the mentor is the only adult who ever has been able to express consistent love and respect in a child's life. The mentor lights up the child's world. More >>
Yon Ch'uan Martial Arts Curriculum
15 Animal Kung Fu
Hwa-Yu Tai-Chi
Push Hands
Routing Exercises
Martial Arts Weapons