Mr. Xavier is the lineage holder of Yon Ch'uan Martial Arts and Hwa Yu Tai Chi Ch'uan, author of the 3-Zone Police Defense Manual and President of Set Free Youth & Family Ministries.
Grand Master Robert Xavier is Lineage Holder and Chief Instructor of Hwa-Yu T'ai Chi Ch'uan. He was Grand Master John Chung Li's senior student and close friend. Master Li awarded Mr. Xavier the prestigious Hwa-Yu T'ai Chi Senior Instructor's Certification from The Hwa-Yu T'ai Chi Health Institute in Chinatown, Boston, Massachusetts in 1975 and an 8th Degree Yon Ch'uan Black Belt at Yale University in 1980. Mr. Xavier is one of the few elite master instructors in the West with certification to instruct the ancient Chinese health care treasures of Hwa-Yu T'ai Chi Ch'uan.
Master Xavier has dedicated 40 years to studying and teaching martial arts. He is the author and originator of the 3-Zone Police Defense Manual. Master Xavier combined the best principles of T'ai Chi, Aikido, Karate, Judo and Jujitsu into the highly effective 3-Zone Defense System. These methods have been field-tested successfully by professionals in law enforcement and martial arts throughout the United States.
Master Xavier is a native of New England. He owned the Canton Academy of Martial Arts in Canton, Connecticut for many years teaching Jukido, Kokondo Karate, Yon Ch'uan Martial Arts and Hwa-Yu T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Mr. Xavier served as the Martial Arts Resource Clinician for The New England Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation for five years.
In 1976, with the assistance of Dr. Joseph Sheenan, Head of Research at The University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Mr. Xavier assembled a research committee of cardiologists, general internists and department heads of physical therapy to examine scientifically the physiological and psychological benefits of Hwa-Yu T'ai Chi Ch'uan.
Master Xavier has dedicated 40 years to working with young people and families. He is Director of Set Free Ministries of Bradenton, Florida, and has been a Pastor and Chaplain. He continues to utilize martial art health care science in schools and churches as a tool for encouraging Godly character and discipline in young people's lives and education. Mr. Xavier offers Biblically-centered youth and famliy programs which focus on building stronger relationships with God and each other while nurturing a healthy God-centered personal confidence.
Mr. McGee has studied martial arts since 1961, including Judo, Aikido, Japanese and Okinawan Karate, Korean Tang Soo Do and Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Kung Fu and traditional weapons arts. He is a senior student of Grand Master Xavier studying Hwa Yu T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Yon Ch'uan Martial Arts and 15 Animal Kung Fu.
Mr. McGee has also been a professional journalist for 40 years and a Bible teacher for more than 35 years.
Click on the image at right to find out about Mr. McGee's latest book, A History of Man's Quest for Immortality.
Mr. Phillips holds a Senior Instructor's Certification in the Hwa-Yu 15-Animal Kung Fu system. He is an exceptional Christian role model who readily wins student's confidence and earns their respect - not by simply teaching a skill, but by teaching a disciplined, Christ-centered way of life.
Mr. Phillips has been a serious student of Martial Arts since 1986, including Tae Kwon Do, Yon Ch'uan, Goju Ryu Karate and Sil Lum Kung Fu. He is a Desert Storm Army Veteran with over 15 years martial arts teaching experience. Formerly a school teacher, Mr. Phillips is also a highly accomplished classical guitar instructor.
Yon Ch'uan Martial Arts Curriculum
15 Animal Kung Fu
Hwa-Yu Tai-Chi
Push Hands
Routing Exercises
Martial Arts Weapons